Current Weather
Conditions at Hilton, NY
43° 18' 09" N 77° 48' 43" W
Temperature: | 11.0°F | Dewpoint: | 2.2°F |
Humidity: | 67% | Wind Chill: | 0.2°F |
Wind: | S at 6.0 mph | THW Index: | -0.1°F |
Barometer: | 30.467 in and Steady | Heat Index: | 10.7°F |
Today's Rain: | 0.00 in | Monthly Rain: | 0.31 in |
Storm Total: | 0.00 in | Yearly Rain: | 0.31 in |
Current Rain Rate: | 0.00 in/hr | Inside Temperature: | ---°F/ ---% (Humidity) |
10 Minute Wind Average: | 7.0 mph | High Speed Wind: | 18.0 mph at 11:45a |
High Temp Outside: | 11.1°F at 12:13p | Low Temp Outside: | 0.2°F at 8:10a |
High Barometer: | 30.512 in at 10:41a | Low Barometer: | 30.440 in at 1:02a |
High/Low Monthly Outside Temp: | 41.7 °F / 0.2 °F | High/Low Yearly Outside Temp: | 41.7 °F / 0.2 °F |
Sunrise: 7:36a Sunset: 5:10p Moon Phase: Last Quarter
Forecast: Partly cloudy with little temperature change.
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